Esoteric Healing Course 3: The Head Centers will be held over the following dates:
Wednesday evening from 6pm-9pm ET: January 29, 2025 &
Friday through Sunday from 9am-5pm ET: January 31-February 2, 2025
This course explores the physiology of the brain and the role this architecture plays in our psychological and spiritual development. These teachings are incorporated with EH1 and EH2, creating a comprehensive look at the whole chakra system head to toe. An esoteric perspective on birth, death, and cycles of life is offered along with additional energy healing protocols for all major and minor energy centers.
Esoteric Healing Course 3 is an immersive course presented via SIC's online learning platform, with a combination of digital learning and live classes on Zoom. This includes home study guides and assignments, video support material, a downloadable meditation program, and an extensive course manual with 80+ energy healing protocols for the entire subtle system. We will oversee in-class practice sessions and support you in developing an energy healing skill set that emphasizes ethics, responsibility, and integrity.
Esoteric Healing Course 3 is an immersive course presented via SIC's online learning platform, with a combination of digital learning and live classes on Zoom. This includes home study guides and assignments, video support material, a downloadable meditation program, and an extensive course manual with 80+ energy healing protocols for the entire subtle system. We will oversee in-class practice sessions and support you in developing an energy healing skill set that emphasizes ethics, responsibility, and integrity.
EH3 Course Highlights:
The Constitution of the Human Being: A Map of Energetic Integration
We deepen our understanding of the systemic representation of ourselves as energy in form. We've looked at this in Courses 1 and 2; now we use this as a guide to know ourselves as an aspect of, and not separate from, consciousness itself.
The Ajna Chakra
We take an in-depth look at the endocrine system and the role of the pituitary and hypothalamus as master glands. As the Ajna chakra evolves, so does the Third Eye, bringing a marked expansion of awareness and intuitive direction. The ears, eyes, and sinuses are included in this exploration.
The Alta Chakra
Here, we work with the Alta chakra which rules the nervous system, including the hindbrain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. It is also the seat of our subconscious mind and dream-life, along with something we all know too well... tension headaches!
The Crown Chakra
We explore the Crown chakra's association with the pineal gland, the seat of the soul. As this energy center begins to resonate with the Ajna and Alta, it generates a magnetic field known as the "cave in the head", which opens the Third Eye and allows for insight, intuition, and soul guidance.
An Introduction to the Nervous System
We introduce the basic structure of the nervous system with an emphasis on the autonomic nervous system, which regulates our fight-or-flight and rest-and-digest responses. We begin to consider the vagus nerve and linkages to our secondary brains in the heart and gut.
The Sutratma, Kundalini, and the Etheric Webs
These are powerful unseen structures connecting consciousness to form. They distributed and regulate streams of spiritual energy in direct proportion to our spiritual growth and our capacity to embody these forces.
Death, Dying, and the Cycles of Life
Is this all there is? Let's talk.
The Devic Lifestream
Devic lifeforms are the co-creators and the substance of matter itself. Their relationship to form makes them allies in the healing process. We explore ways to work with them through invocation and reciprocity.
Course 3 Meditation Program
We deepen the Course 2 meditation program and practices.
Self, Individual, and Group Healing Practices
We offer a complete and cumulative energy balancing protocol for Courses 1-3.
EH3 Course Details:
- Esoteric Healing Course 2 (INEH, NAEH, or SIC) is a prerequisite for this course.
- Live classes will be held via Zoom with digital pre-class materials on our online learning platform.
- This is an immersive program and requires completion of digital portions and attendance for all live classes to move forward in the training. Classes are not recorded.
- The cost of this class is $495 and will be taught by Martha Henry-MacDonald and Steve Kramer.
- Discounts are available for repeat students: email us for details.
- Digital pre-course materials will be provided on Saturday, January 11, 2025.
- Live classes will be held on the following dates: Wednesday evening from 6pm-9pm ET: January 29, 2025 &
Friday through Sunday from 9am-5pm ET: January 31-February 2, 2025.