Our Vision:
We, as humans, engage with the exciting dance of life. We live fully, embracing the gifts and challenges, propelled by our inner spirit into wholeness. Through the travails of life, we open to the moment and to the light of presence that guides us.
We are being recreated in each and every moment, along with our 50 trillion magnificent cells. It is time for change – individual, group, social, racial, economic, ecological, etc. If not now, when? The world is ever-changing. We are invited to mature as individuals and as a humanity; to move forward, guided by the intelligent consciousness that imbues us all.
We can be a reflection of this consciousness, open to the wholeness of who we are as individuals and as a collective, acknowledging our interconnectedness and actively participating in a light-filled future - one that sees humanity at one with our planet.
We, as humans, engage with the exciting dance of life. We live fully, embracing the gifts and challenges, propelled by our inner spirit into wholeness. Through the travails of life, we open to the moment and to the light of presence that guides us.
We are being recreated in each and every moment, along with our 50 trillion magnificent cells. It is time for change – individual, group, social, racial, economic, ecological, etc. If not now, when? The world is ever-changing. We are invited to mature as individuals and as a humanity; to move forward, guided by the intelligent consciousness that imbues us all.
We can be a reflection of this consciousness, open to the wholeness of who we are as individuals and as a collective, acknowledging our interconnectedness and actively participating in a light-filled future - one that sees humanity at one with our planet.
About Us:
I am Steve Kramer, a certified teacher and practitioner of Esoteric Healing. My interest in energetic anatomy and subtle energy systems began after a minor snowboarding injury in the 1990's saw me on the receiving end of Esoteric Healing. I had never heard of this practice nor had I ever received any sort of energy work. The experience was profound. My knee injury healed soon enough, but I continued receiving Esoteric Healing treatments for quite some time. As many of those who receive Esoteric Healing discover, I began to form a deep and powerful relationship with every aspect of my being and saw my life take on new levels of awareness that fostered delightful transformations and consistent spiritual growth. This wasn't what I had signed up for, but it was delightfully meant to be.
After more than a decade of exploring subtle energy healing as a patient, I decided to receive a formal education in the practice of Esoteric Healing. I became a practitioner in 2007 after completing the International Network of Esoteric Healing's two-year program and immediately began the four-year process of becoming an Esoteric Healing teacher. The transition from dedicated patient to steadfast practitioner to enthusiastic teacher has enriched my life in so many ways. I reside in New England where I am the President of the Board of Directors of Spirit Fire, an educational non-profit focused on fostering spirituality and educating people on the importance of consciousness in everyday life. I oversee the organization's meditation program and meditative retreat center in Leyden, Massachusetts. I am a teacher of Spirt Fire's meditation practice, the Practice of Living Awareness, as well as a trained instructor of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) through the Mindfulness Center at Brown University. It is my belief that each and every human being is an integral facet of the diamond that is universal consciousness. Life offers endless opportunity for connection and exploration. Through meditation, study and purposeful living, those opportunities abound. I practice Esoteric Healing on-location in Southern Vermont and off-location through distance healing. |
I'm Martha Henry MacDonald, an intrepid explorer of both the workings and the potential of the magnificent human body, the human spirit, and of our individual and collective roles in the unfolding of healing, and the awakening of human consciousness. As a healing facilitator, clients are supported on their path to well-being by honoring their unique physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects as well as their innate healing ability. Supporting the empowerment of each person’s unique potential is my goal in all endeavors - healing, teaching, and presence.
My work integrates many skillsets to bridge heart, mind, science, and healing, using both allopathic and esoteric methods of healing. Forty years of hands-on experience and a deep immersion in the sciences has included extensive studies and trainings in manual, visceral, neuro-meningeal, cranio-sacral, and neurokinetic manipulation, as well as physical therapy, neuroscience, subtle energy medicine, esoteric healing, esoteric psychology, meditation, eastern and western philosophy, non-duality and quantum physics. I'm also a director for the International Network for Energy Healing (INEH) international teacher's group where I'm also certified as an instructor, practitioner and teacher/trainer of Esoteric Healing. I speak internationally on topics such as esoteric healing, meditation, science and energy healing, science and consciousness, emotions, and perception and the mind. I know from experience that healing skills are developed through the understanding of both science and subtle energies, combined with practical application of these skills in groups. Through my interactive lectures and keynotes, participants are empowered to create a path of wellness through personal change and self-care. My passion and love for this work is fueled by both profound respect and awe of the many mysteries that await our conscious inquiry. I have deep gratitude for the grace of family, friends, mentors, and clients who continue to nourish this amazing journey and have taught me so much through their humble and generous sharing. May we all embrace every opportunity to open-heartedly participate in the awakening of ourselves and human consciousness. |