Esoteric Healing Course 2: Heart-Mind will be held over the following dates:
Wednesday evening from 6pm-9pm ET: November 13, 2024 &
Friday through Sunday from 9am-5pm ET: November 15-17, 2024
We deepen the exploration of the human being as a composite of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies. We cover all aspects of the Heart, Throat, and Spleen chakras including the circulatory, lymphatic, and immune systems. Emphasis in Course 2 is also placed upon integrating Heart-Mind and defining the roles that the soul and personality play in the process of creating a vital and healthy life.
Esoteric Healing Course 2 is an immersive course presented via SIC's online learning platform, with a combination of digital learning and live classes on Zoom. This also includes home study guides and assignments, video support material, a downloadable meditation program, and an extensive course manual with 60+ energy healing protocols for the entire subtle system. We oversee in-class practice sessions and support you in developing an energy healing skill set that emphasizes ethics, responsibility, and integrity.
Esoteric Healing Course 2 is an immersive course presented via SIC's online learning platform, with a combination of digital learning and live classes on Zoom. This also includes home study guides and assignments, video support material, a downloadable meditation program, and an extensive course manual with 60+ energy healing protocols for the entire subtle system. We oversee in-class practice sessions and support you in developing an energy healing skill set that emphasizes ethics, responsibility, and integrity.
EH2 Course Highlights:
Energetic Architecture of the Human Being
We deepen our knowledge of subtle energy by expanding beyond the chakra system to planes of existence, which often go unexplored, yet facilitate our evolution and tincture every aspect of our being.
The Heart Chakra
The Heart chakra takes us above the diaphragm and shifts us from identification with the self to the potential for group identification and the embodiment of unconditional love and compassion. Here, we work with the physiological aspects of the heart, including the circulatory and immune systems.
The Throat Chakra
The focus of this energy center is on mental creativity, the mental body, communication and the ways in which the Throat chakra influences our service in everyday life. We work with the body's metabolic processes and the lymphatic and respiratory systems.
Prana and the Role of the Spleen
Prana is the vital life force that sustains the physical etheric body. The spleen is the primary organ of reception and distribution of this source of planetary and solar energy. We work with the spleen as a major vitalizing component of the chakra system.
Heart-Mind as a Way of Being
Heart-Mind combines the unifying qualities of unconditional love with the expansive qualities of inner wisdom. Love and wisdom are foundational aspects of consciousness.
The Art and Science of Meditation
Here, we present research and explore the foundations of a meditation practice. Meditation generates concentrated stillness, which allows potentialities to emerge and is a necessary component of any energy healing practitioner's skill set.
Additional Energy Centers: Ajna, Alta, and Crown Chakras
Course 2 offers a deep exploration of the energy centers on the spine. We offer preliminary protocols for the head centers, which are significantly expanded upon in Courses 3 and 4.
Inquiry into the Integration of the Personality and the Soul
As we begin to integrate our personality and live our lives responsibly, the soul begins to emerge as a guiding force. Meaningful and purposeful living is the result. We explore the ways Esoteric Healing supports and facilitates this process.
Course 2 Meditation Program
We expand upon the Course 1 meditation program and offer specific techniques to enhance and inspire your practice.
Self, Individual, and Group Healing Practices
We offer a complete energy balancing protocol appropriate for this course level.
EH2 Course Details:
- Esoteric Healing Course 1 (INEH, NAEH, or SIC) is a prerequisite for this course.
- Live classes will be held via Zoom.
- This is an immersive program and requires completion of digital portions and attendance for all live classes to move forward in the training.
- Live classes are not recorded.
- The cost of this class is $495 and will be taught by Martha Henry-MacDonald and Steve Kramer.
- Discounts are available for repeat students: email us for details.
- Digital Pre-Course materials will be provided on Saturday, October 26, 2024.
- Class will be held over the following dates: Wednesday evening from 6pm-9pm ET: November 13, 2024 &
Friday through Sunday from 9am-5pm ET: November 15-17, 2024